login help

Lost or Forgotten Login/Password?
Have you lost or forgotten your LOGIN/PASSWORD information? If so, please follow the steps below:

1. Check with the person responsible for acquiring training at your institution to see if they can provide login information.

2. If unavailable, use the form to the right to request login information, or call your Training Support Manager at 800.442.8662.

Trouble Logging In?
If you have your login information but are having trouble accessing the site, follow the steps below:

1. Some systems require that log in information is case sensitive. Be sure you accurately enter log in information as it was provided.

2. Your membership may have expired. Please check with the person responsible for acquiring training at your financial institution to make sure it hasn't expired.

3. Typos. Please be sure to enter log in information accurately.

If you are still having issues logging in, please contact us using the form to the right or call us at 800.442.8662.

Copyright 2013 1st Financial Training, Inc.